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2014-昂坪 360 

Theme: Hong Kong Movie


Description: Inspired by the popular Chinese comedy films such as Old Time buddy and Kung Fu Hustle, this 15-minute show comprises of 4 scenes, namely A-GO-GO Romance, The Art of Kung Fu, The Axe Gang’s Dance and Firefighting Heroes. 


Acts: A-GO-GO Dance, Kung Fu Dance, Fire Poi, Fire knife, Aerial Hoop, Aerial Trapeze, Spanish Web

Behind-the-scene: Blending the elements of comedy, dance, musical and circus, this local production is designed to give Ngong Ping visitors a glimpse of Chinese popular and traditional culture in Hong Kong. Supported by 20 Hong Kong Circus performers and running 3 shows every day non-stop from Monday to Sunday throughout July and August in 52 days showing, the show was met with positive responses from kids, teenagers, families and tourists from overseas

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