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CIRCUS DREAM 2020 at The Mills

December 11- 13 (Fri- Sun)



As a heritage conservation project of the former cotton spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles, The Mills strives to create an innovative space for local artists while echoing the spirits of Hong Kong textile industry. Inspired by The Mills' vision,《Circus Dream 2020》will embrace the theme of Textiles and explore the interconnectedness of Circus and Fabric. 


In Weekend Circus Festival, Hong Kong Circus interweaves the unique art disciplines of contemporary circus, textile and dance. Experience the versatility and tenderness of the fabric through our circus performance and workshops! 

*Project supported by Hong Kong Art Development Council

香港馬戲團 Hong Kong Circus presents:

《馬戲承夢 CIRCUS DREAM 2020》

An extraordinary performance interlacing Aerial Silks, Tribal Dance and Tie Dye Fluid Art. 


我們在歲月裡,嘗過喜、怒、憂、懼、愛、憎、欲... 七情六慾, 



到了那一個時刻, 顏色再增添 ,也再改變不了什麼了....而我們就再一次站在在漆黑的空間之中


Amongst the dark, light sparked the dawn to creation. 

Over the passing of time, we’ve experienced the taste of the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures-

Pleasure, anger, sorrow, fright, worry, hatred, desire.

Whilst our flushing emotions interweave like colors on white fabric, 

Layer by layer, the blending of colors darkens the shade… slowly, black takes its shape. 

Till additional colors no longer come to light,

And here, we are standing in darkness once again.  

當代馬戲演出 Contemporary Circus Performance


Oblivion Beyond The Black Cross

DEC 11, 12, 13  (FRI, SUN, SUN)   |  8:30- 9:15PM   


南豐紗廠 中庭位置 荃灣白田壩街45號

(Performance Duration: 45mins)

製作團隊 Production Team

團長 Chairman: Chris Leung

藝術總監 Artistic Director: Margaret Ho

空中舞編導 Aerial Choreography: Joe Lam

編舞 Choreographer: Bernice Palma

海報設計 Poster Design: 梅加晞 Tooth Mui

舞台監督 Stage Manager: Oscar Wong

技術顧問 Technical Consultant: Chester 

工作坊伙伴 Workshop Partner: 巨人染 Giants Tie Dye

工作坊 Workshop


DIY Tie Dye Sock Experience

在本地藝術家巨人染的指導下親手創作獨一無二的紮染作品!工作坊內容包括學習紮染布料和Poi的基本技巧。 Poi是紐西蘭毛利人的傳統舞蹈, 近年通過與其他表演藝術的融合而普及化。Poi演出時更會加入火舞,雜耍和藝術體操的元素。






Create your own tie dye Poi under the guidance of local artists Giants Tie Dye! The workshop includes fabric dyeing and learning basic poi techniques. Poi is a traditional dance from the Maori culture of New Zealand which was popularized in recent years through its fusion with other performance art disciplines such as fire, juggling and rhythmic gymnastics.


Come along to make your own unique tie dye poi and learn some cool tricks! 


 The installations and props of Circus Dream 2020 will also be displayed at the hall during daytime.

工作坊日期時間 Workshop Dates:

Session 1:     DEC 11 (Fri)     |   1:00-2:00PM
Session 2:     DEC 12 (Sat)    |   1:00- 2:00PM
Session 3:     DEC 12 (Sat)     3:00- 4:00pm
Session 4:     DEC 13 (Sun)   |   1:00- 2:00pm
Session 5:     DEC 13 (Sun)   |   3:00- 4:00pm

(Performance Duration: 1 hour)


Location:                        THE HALL  (G/F),  THE MILLS

Workshop Partners:     巨人染 GIANT TIE DYE



疫情下的特別入場和登記安排   Special Health and Safety Arrangements under the pandemic

演出 Performance:

  • 座位有限, 多為企位, 請穿著舒適我鞋列場欣賞. |  The performance is Free Seating. There is a seating area on the central staircase, or you may stand around the performing area for a closer view. You may also view the performance from upper floors.

  • 入場時請跟從工作人員的提示, 以小組分開,保持社交距離  . |    Please follow our usher's instructions to maintain social distance.

  • 觀眾必須帶口罩  . |    Face Mask must be on at all times during the performance.

工作坊 Workshop:

  • 工作坊導師主要以廣東話教授  . |    Workshops will be conducted mainly in Cantonese.

  • 參加者必須帶口罩  . |     Face Mask must be on at all times during the workshop.

  • 請穿著不怕在紮染過程中被弄髒的衣服  . |    The fabric dying process may be messy, hence Hong Kong Circus will prepare aprons for your use during the workshop. But please be advised that there may be inherent risks of color staining on your clothes.

  • 每節工作坊上跟人數為15人- 名額有跟,先到先得!  . |     The maximum capacity of the workshop is 15 participants, hence reserve your space ASAP!

雖然演出不用門票, 但由於疫情的關係,為了控制人流,請填寫以下的表格, 確定你和同行的人的參與。

Although the event is free of charge, we will implement appropriate measures taking consideration to the health and safety of all our audiences, performers and crew. As a result, we kindly ask you to fill in the form below and indicate your interest in joining the event(s) of 《Circus Dream 2020》.

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